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X Philes Talk X Files Podcast LogoWe've come to the end of the original TV series on X-Philes Talk X-Files and we've brought in a huge crew for the episode. XFN's Tiffany Devol and Garrett Devol join David T. Harwood and then Avi Quijada, Roileigh Ollson, Becky Welch and myself crash the party after being delayed for slightly evil reasons. You'll have to listen to see what we're talking about.

Get your tissues ready as we debate "Scary Monsters," "Jump the Shark," "William," "Release," "Sunshine Days," and "The Truth." We'll also take a look back over what all 9 seasons have meant to us as we gear up for Season 10.

Check out this week's episode here.

The end of the original series does not mean the end of the podcast! We'll be talking "I Want to Believe" as well as Season 10 in the upcoming weeks so get your listener questions in! Head here and hit Contact Us. 

Missed out on earlier episodes? Head over to YouTube and get caught up.