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howardgordonFormer X-Files writer and producer Howard Gordon is a busy guy these days with Homeland and some new projects underway. In an article posted at Den of Geek, he spoke with Matt Allair (also known from X-Files Lexicon) about The X-Files, fandom, and what he's working on currently. 

Gordon found great success post-X-Files and told Allair that the show was "a formative experience in [his] education as a writer and a producer. I really cut my teeth on that show and discovered what was possible on television."

He also spoke about the evolution of fandom and how the many choices viewers have today makes for a more fractured audience than when The X-Files was in its heyday in the '90s.

While Gordon is not involved in the current revival, he didn't rule out involvement in the future. He told Allair "If Chris asked me and time permitted, I would jump at the chance to be involved in The X-Files. I’m really looking forward to seeing what Chris, Jim, Glen, and Darin have come up with."

For the latest on Gordon's current projects you can find Matt Allair's full interview here.