X-Files News is on Archival Mode. Updates are on hiatus.

As revealed by Chris Carter at NIFFF and reported by us yesterday, FOX announced on their site that starting today they will count down the 201 episodes, one each day, until January 24th, 2016. 

TheXFiles Pilot Essential FOX smallIt was previously reported to us that FOX would be streaming the episodes though, besides this really attractive picture of Mulder and Scully in the Pilot episode, there doesn't seem to be an indication that this will be the case.

Nevertheless, there is an invitation to use the available for purchase DVD box sets or to stream the show using the various services that have the episodes available like Netflix, Amazon, Hulu or iTunes. They also hope that you share your thoughts on Twitter using the hashtag #TheXFiles201Days.

Shall the streaming plans be confirmed, we will inform as soon as possible.

UPDATE 7/7/15 6PM ET: FOX has confirmed that there WON'T be an open or additional streaming service for the episodes other than the previously mentioned ones.

As you know, XFN started its own rewatch plans, following Reverb Press' proposed dates, and setting up hosted live-tweeting sessions. For details about this on-going event, please go here. XFN won't be rescheduling this calendar, as the proposed timeline by FOX doesn't observe the slots for the X-Files movies that are part of the canon and essential to the storyline of the series as well. 

We do invite you, regardless of if you're following The X-Files Global Rewatch, doing one on your own or adopting this proposed timeline from FOX, that you share your thoughts on Twitter about what is and will always be the best series of all time. The X-Files are back.