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We are more than amazed at the level of participation we had for our last couple of contests! This time around, we decided to up the ante by creating a contest that we knew could be hard for the casual fan. We wanted to put those investigator brains to work!

The experience of making this for you guys was a lot of fun, and with over two hundred entries, we know that you too enjoyed it greatly.

The correct responses to each of the game pieces were these:

 From XFN:  From XFN's Instagram:  From XFN's Twitter:
website instagram Twitter
 I Want to Believe The dead are not lost to us. That they speak to us...
 From XFN's Facebook:  From XFN's Tumblr:
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As part of something greater than us...  Greater than any alien force.


The correct and complete quote, that came out these hints was the following:

I want to believe that... the dead are not lost to us. That they speak to us... as part of something greater than us - greater than any alien force. And if you and I are powerless now, I want to believe that if we listen, to what's speaking, it can give us the power to save ourselves. - Fox Mulder - "The Truth, part II"

Even though many of you got the correct answer, ninety seven of you to be exact, there can only be one winner. We assigned numbers to the qualifying entries, and the recipient was picked by the automated number generator from Random.org.

Drumroll please!

The winner of XFN's 2015 The X-Files Board Game Contest is Luisa Aguilar from Mexico! You win a copy of the game, courtesy of IDW Games.

We hope to continue to bring more contests like this one to all of you. Thanks so much for participating, and thanks so much to IDW Games, IDW Publishing and Nate Murray for allowing us to follow the creation of this great game.