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Are you attending the Big WOW Comic Fest this weekend? Here's your opportunity to show us how much of a dedicated X-Files fan you are!

Dress like your favorite agent, friend or foe, or even as your favorite monster from The X-Files, and tweet us a picture with your badge from this weekend's Big Wow Comic Fest!

You have until Saturday, April 18th, at 11:59pm PST to tweet us your picture. Our judges will pick a winner that will be propmtly notified via DM on Twitter. Winner gets to take home a set of the highly addictive The X-Files Board Game courtesy of IDW Games, which they'd get to pick at IDW's booth on the convention floor on April 19th! All participants have to be attendees

So get those red wigs and FBI badges, or... who knows? We'd love to see a Flukeman creeping us out! Dress to impress and good luck!