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Kelden Thompson

It's FanArt Wednesday again! This week’s chosen artist is Kelden Thompson from Charlotte, North Carolina. You can connect with Kelden on Tumblr and Instagram

Here's a little about Kelden:

1. When did you become an X-Phile?

It was actually very recently. I have really fallen in love with it. I remember watching it as a kid in the early 90's and not really finding it that interesting. Just seemed like another "grown up" show to me. But now that I've grown a bit myself and my tastes have changed, I tried it out again after I heard they were bringing it back and I am just baffled at how good of a show it actually is.

2. What is the first episode you watched?

Well like I said, I watched a bit of it when I was like 4 or 5. I couldn't tell you what episodes they were though, I really can't remember. I do remember though, the opening credits really freaked me out. The part where it looks like security footage of a ghost walking down a hallway and then it goes to a white silhouette falling into a hand print. By that point I was like, "Nope. Bye." haha. But again after I heard they were bringing it back I decided to try it out again starting from season 1 episode 1 "Pilot".



3. What was your favorite part of the revival?

Honestly I haven't seen the revival yet. I promised myself that I would finish all nine seasons and the 2 movies before I see the new stuff. I have a lot to go haha.

4. What inspired you to create X-Files fanart?

Well the picture I drew that got me this feature was actually my very first X-Files fan art. I've always had a soft spot for aliens and anything alien related and watching this show as much as I have recently has really got me thinking about the possibilities that are out there. We are totally not alone in this universe. I'd even go small enough to say galaxy.

5. Who is your favorite character?

I'd have to say Mulder. First season Mulder to be exact.

6. List your top 5 episodes.

Well I'm still going through season 2 at this point, so out of what I've seen so far I'd say, "Pilot", "Squeeze", "Fire", "Young at Heart", "One Breath."

7. Favorite X-Files quote.

Mulder: "Is there any way I can get it off my fingers quickly without betraying my cool exterior?"

8. How has The X-Files impacted your life?

The show has kind of always been in my life. Not directly though. I was never into it myself but my family was and I saw some episodes and movie bits here and there throughout my childhood. I never really paid much attention to it. It was just there. It took me until my mid 20's to finally sit down and give it a try. Seeing how good the show actually is, I feel like I've missed so much. I could have totally been watching this show all these years and I know I would have loved it. I just needed to pay attention. Now I feel like I need to cram it all in like I've been starved and haven't eaten in weeks. I really cant get enough of this show now. I'm really looking forward to continuing watching it and getting to the revival season. And I am definitely looking forward to creating more fan art. The X-Files is truly amazing.

Thanks, Kelden! FanArt will be back in two weeks. See you next Wednesday with a new FanWorks!