Today we're going to do Fanvid Friday a little differently. A two for one deal, if you will.
First up, to whet your whistle for the #XFilesRevival we bring you this newly-upgraded to glorious 4k HD, fanmade intro to The X-Files: Season 10. If what Chris Carter and Co. brings us is only half as pretty as this, I for one, will be a happy Phile. Kudos to Pie TV for this amazing vid.
(Video No Longer Available :( )
Next up, we have something a lot more flaily, and with a fair amount of spoils. 1013sds brings us a vid full of warm and fuzzy feelings. Not your usual fanvid either, this one celebrates fandom and the return of the cast and crew to Vancouver. It features twitter updates, set pics, and articles from our very own website. So, you've been forewarned. If spoilers aren't your cup of tea, then head back up top and rewatch that beautiful trailer again.
Happy Friday all! May your weekend be filled with fandom and flail. Only 220 days...