X-Files News is on Archival Mode. Updates are on hiatus.

We have teamed up with David T. Harwood  at X-Philes Talk X-Files to celebrate the entire history of The X-Files via weekly podcasts! Each week, XFN staff will be co-hosting and will take a look back at all 202 episodes and both feature films in preparation for the six-episode revival set to premiere on January 24th!

Want to come hang out and listen to us deconstruct the series, talk about news of the upcoming revival, and play our way through David's incredibly insightful (aka extremely difficult) phile trivia questions? Then check us out each week over on iTunes or at the X-Philes Talk X-Files Feed!

Co-hosting episode 1 is our very own Editor-in-Chief, Avi Quijada, and Content Director, Tiffany Devol!