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1370 ew jul32015Don't call it a reboot! Never call it a reboot. 

Jeff Jensen from Entertainment Weekly had the pleasure to sit down with Chris Carter, Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny to talk a bit about the upcoming X-Files Revival... or, should we call it "Season 10"? They even talk to Joel McHale about his excitement of being part of this great opportunity.

Among many juicy details, we get the actors' and Carter's impressions about coming back to The X-Files in the age of Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. In a time post 9/11. With old and new fans. You also get to see a great display of pictures from set.

Likewise, you get the truth behind Scully's hair, a clue into their current relationship status and even the name of Gillian Anderson's dog.

What we truly appreciate from this article was the knowledgeable way Jensen went about this opportunity, being a fan himself of the show. You're also served with ten episodes that should prepare you for the upcoming spread of new X-Files, and a look into the items of Mulder's home office.

For MORE details about this issue, click after the jump.


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