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We're only a few days out from the release of Issue #1 of The X-Files: Season 10 from IDW Publishing. We've all seen the cover artwork floating around and many of us have read the descriptions for the first few issues.

There is a lot of information out there right now--both about the comics and the people behind them. If you're already a comic fan, you may have this covered. However, if not, here is a collection of everything (and every link) you need to know.







The first issue won't hit the stands until Wednesday the 19th, but Comic Book Resources has published a preview of the first eight pages. So head on over there to check them out. We promise you'll enjoy it! You may want to be sitting down though...for safety.

You can also read synopses on the "Believers" arc; so far released are ones for issues #1, #2, #3, and #4.

Where to find the comics:

If you're wondering where to pick up a copy of Issue #1, there are several possibilties. Cover Variant A, Variant B, and the Subscription Variant are going to be the easier ones to find. The IDW store ships to the U.S. and internationally. There are also other online retailers that will be selling them like Midtown Comics or mycomicshop.com. In the UK, Forbidden Planet has them for sale. You can also find your local comic shop and see if they'll be selling the series. If you're located in another country (or even if you're not), shop around, both online and locally, to find the best place to buy Season 10. In addition, some retailers have an option that will let you subscribe to the series, so check that out as well. Finally, there is the digital option. IDW does publish digitally, with a variety of options to chose from. ComiXology is another great option that works really well.

The Retailer Exclusive variants are, as you would expect, only available from one retailer. The Tooms Snakeman cover will be available at Third Eye Comics, the Noir Detective one can be bought from Hastings, and the Dynamic Forces variant can be found here.

To get your hands on the Retailer Incentive variant, you have to find a retailer who is selling it. Dynamic Forces and Midtown Comics have the issue, but you can also look for others who are carrying it. If using Midtown Comics, they currently have a deal for 20% off your first order using their app.

After you've got yourself set up with Issue #1, it will only be a month until Issue #2 hits the stands. You should be able to stick with whatever option you initially chose; however, you may have to find future retailer incentive and exclusive variants somewhere else. Again, just shop around online and locally to find what works best for you. Scully taught us all how to use Google in I Want to Believe, so put those skills to good use.


Writer Joe Harris has several upcoming events where you can get your X-Files comics signed, as well as check out his other work. He will be at the Third Eye Comics Release Party in Maryland this Saturday the 22nd. He'll be signing at the Annapolis store from 11am to 1pm and at the Southern Maryland location from 4pm to 6pm. You can also find Joe signing on July 31st at 5pm at Beach Ball Comics in Anaheim, California. He is also attending several conventions in the coming months, including WizardWorld Comic Con NYC Experience (June 28th-30th), Comic Con International in San Diego (July 17th-21st), and New York Comic Con (October 10th-13th).

Artist Michael Walsh has upcoming signings and convention appearances as well. He will be signing from 10am onwards on June 19th at Silver Snail Comics in Toronto. On June 26th, he will be appearing at The Dragon in Guelph, Ontario. As for conventions, Michael will be attending FanExpo Canada in Toronto and most likely New York Comic Con.

We'll keep you updated on future appearances and comic events. To occupy yourself until Wednesday, you can check out this recent interview with Joe and Michael. You can also look back to our interview with cover artist Carlos Valenzuela.

XFN will be celebrating the release of Season 10 all week long, so stay tuned for some special surprises!