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Mulder and Scully in Babylon

It's been approximately 3 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 21 hours and 40 minutes since The X-Files Season 10 ended on FOX. But who's counting, right? Since then, Philes have been clamoring for the answer of the biggest truth still out there, when will we get more Mulder and Scully? David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson spoke with Deadline about what it was like to return to the characters after so many years, that ever-present chemistry, and the possibility of doing more episodes.

We heard at the FOX upfronts that the network hopes to do more, but what about the stars? Gillian Anderson says:

"For me, it was important that I thought of this season as being just these six shows when we were doing it. The long insanity of the schedule [demanded it]. I’m open to the conversation, though they haven’t come to us yet. I have no clue when they’re going to. I’m getting on with the rest of my life and I’m booking other jobs, so if it is indeed something that they would like to continue, then that conversation will need to be had. And I have no idea when that will be able to take place at this juncture." 

When asked if Season 10 had increased his desire to do more episodes this is what David Duchovny had to say:

"I don’t know… I’m pausing, and I don’t know why I’m pausing. I would say, I guess what we found with this season was that it’s possible to still get it. It doesn’t not work. And then the question becomes, if we were going to move on, how do we make it work even better? That’s a question we’d want to ask. This one was, “Phew, we can do it. I guess it did work.” But now it’s like, now what? How do we make this interesting again for all of us? And it is a joy to play, as difficult as it can be. There are days, I’m sure, where Gillian and I would rather go to work and not have to think about it, but ultimately that’s what keeps us alive; these people, those artists, and the chance to be able to use our brains and think on our feet to do the show in that way."  

Gillian also chimed in that:

"David and I have solidified and intensified our friendship and our working relationship since the series ended, so it really is just going back and choosing to work with somebody, and feeling like we are doing something that only the two of us have the experience of. We’re there for each other, and enjoy that in and of itself. It was something I looked forward to with this series, and something I would potentially look forward to doing again. It’s a nice thing to have in one’s life."

We know creator Chris Carter is on board for more. In a recent interview with Den of Geek he said:

"Yes, I’ve already got the call from FOX saying they want more episodes. I think now it’s just a matter of figuring out when we can all co-ordinate our schedules to do it. So yes, I think absolutely you’re going to see more, and of course, that means you’re going to see how we get ourselves out of that very steep, sharp cliff!"

The uncertainty of when continues, but as always, "Don't Give Up." You can read the full article from Deadline here