It was an epic weekend at Spooky Empire in Orlando, Florida. Gillian Anderson, David Duchovny, Annabeth Gish, Mitch Pileggi, Robert Patrick, and William B. Davis reunited for a weekend of panels, autographs, and photos. Fans from all over the world came to take part and the cast did not disappoint.
Robert Patrick was first up on the panel schedule Friday night, where he answered the question of what Agent John Doggett might actually be up to now, since he was sadly absent from the revival. He quipped that Doggett "left, he gave up, he moved off up into the mountains..." He also confirmed that Doggett did indeed "have a thing" for Monica Reyes. A Phile, Crystal, caught the moment and shared it here.
On Saturday, it was David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson's turn to be in the panel hot seats. As usual, there was a lot of joking between the co-stars. David joked that returning to the show was like returning to family...the "Manson family." Gillian talked about her punk rock past and teased David about his time on the road as a musician. But by far the biggest laugh of the day came when Gillian confirmed she has indeed read "The Airport," much better known as "The Chili's Fic." Thanks again to Crystal for capturing the moment here. For other moments from the panel, check out all of our tweets as the event unfolded. And if you haven't yet read "The Airport" by Jess M, check it out here. Just keep in mind that it's really NSFW. Don't say we didn't warn you. Maybe grab some fajitas first. For stamina. David and Gillian also remarked on what they think Mulder and Scully's new baby might be named. Watch our video below for their answer.
Sunday afternoon, Mitch Pileggi, Annabeth Gish, and William B. Davis took to the panel stage to chat about fan encounters, other roles they'd like to play, and of course, "whale song." Annabeth said she was honored by #JusticeForMonica and that she appreciates that fanfic authors have redeemed her character. And speaking of fic, she mentioned that's she's loving "Paracelcus" by Prufrock's Love. All four parts of that can be found on Prufrock's author page on Gossamer. Mitch and William shared a great theory about what happened because Skinner kicked the CSM out of his office. Read through our live tweet of the panel and check out more moments in the video below.
Philes came prepared with awesome cosplay, including this "First Person Shooter" one by Karma and her husband, which inspired Gillian to tweet this Q&A with David. Dita brought back the infamous Doggett/Reyes polish sausage moment which Avi Quijada also captured on camera. Generous Philes Valerie and Gracie donated their t-shirts to Gillian's auction, and helped raise $4600 for SAYes. We had a great time meeting everyone! And if you missed out on this event, X-Fest 2 isn't far off. June 7th will be here before we know it, and tickets go on sale on October 31st.
For more panel moments, check out our video:
For photos from the panels, peruse the gallery. Special Thanks to Erica Fraga for being our event photographer!