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XFN is all around the web, and we are here to point you in the right direction for what you need when it comes to X-Files news. It is now easier than ever to get your XFN fix on all of your devices. Click after the jump for all the details. 



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Are you looking for a place to let your feels bloom? Then our Tumblr may be the place for you. Just how many gif sets of Scully saying 'Mulder, it's me!' have been made? 




If you're the kind of person who can spend hours watching videos, then check out our YouTube channel. We've got exclusive interviews and coverage of conventions and special events, as well as videos of our contests like XF3 Army, and some special fan made videos. 



Dying to see pictures from the set of the revival in Vancouver? Then rush over to our Instagram. We will post everything that is shaped like an alien.  




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