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AquariusMainPhotoAs informed today in various media outlets, NBC has moved Hannibal and Aquarius to Saturday nights. For those not versed in TV programming trends, this slot is not very popular, and definitely not coveted spaces to please large audiences. 

This move was not surprising in the case of Hannibal, which has been cancelled after it's third season. But it does come as a surprise for Aquarius, which has been renewed for a second season, despite very low ratings.

The new timeslot for these series would be: 9-10PM for Aquarius, and 10-11PM for Hannibal.


David Duchovny's seventies cop show was premiered with an online release very much like Netflix and Amazon Prime' strategies, offering all episodes at once, and claiming that the show would find a stronger audience on the Internet. Whether NBC plans to release those numbers or not to confirm the success of this strategy, the recent move doesn't improve the chances for other audiences to find the Charles Manson drama.

Hannibal hasn't had luck at finding a new home, with Bryan Fuller announcing that Netflix and Amazon had passed on the negotiations. Their panel at San Diego Comic Con didn't bring new news, but the last known report was that there's still hope that another network, including a couple of notorious cable channels, could take the gamble and pick up the stylized and ambitious story.