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For those of you that might consider these pieces of information a spoiler, this is a warning to turn around and continue your rewatch!

From our official sources we can inform today that the 4th episode of the X-Files revival will be titled "Babylon". Chris Carter has said on record, in EW and at Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival, that this episode will deal with Scully's most distinctive character features:

"Quite unlike anything that's been done before on the show. It deals with a very timely and newsworthy subject. It deals with it in a way that you will not recognize as anything that's come before it. We are breaking some new ground and trying some new things." 

Sounds exciting, doesn't it?

EW also announced that the new cast additions, Robbie Amell and Laura Ambrose as Agents Miller and Einstein, respectively, will be part of this episode. Dean Haglund has said on Twitter that the infamous trio will join the party too.

We invite you to discuss all your predictions in our Revival Forums. We'll post more information as it comes. In the meantime, you can review all the confirmed information on our compilation: The X-Files Returning to TV - Know All About It!