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- Written by: Tiffany Devol | Content Director
- Category: Featured Videos
This week's featured video is brought to you by a brand new vidder to our featured list!
AmidTheFallingSnow, who admittedly draws inspiration from snakey973, has blown us away with a video that draws parallels between the partnership, teamwork, and love that Mulder and Scully have for each other throughout their nine years in the darkness. With beautiful coloration and shadows, great editing, and one of our favorite songs by Florence & The Machine, So I Stayed in the Darkness With You is extremely deserving of an XFN feature.
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- Written by: Tiffany Devol | Content Director
- Category: Featured Videos
Break out the tissues philes, because our second featured video this week will hurt you down to your soul. Snakey973 masterfully depicts the suffering Scully endures at the loss of motherhood, and the courageous decisions that led her down that path.
This video is beautifully painful to watch, and is perhaps the most moving Scully/William related video we've seen to date.
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- Written by: Avi Quijada | Editor-In-Chief
- Category: Featured Videos
This week's featured video is brought to you by Gomnitus. While old to some of you, it's still as soul stirring now as it was when it hit YouTube over two years ago. Only One is the kind of video that makes you ache to see Mulder and Scully again. Watch it, and then try to stand there and tell us that you don't miss them as much as we do.
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- Written by: Tiffany Devol | Content Director
- Category: Featured Videos
There are plenty of sayings from The X-Files that make us nostalgic for the show and many videos have been made showcasing them. This one however made us laugh, a lot. Remember the awkward/amazingness that was the couch scene from "Red and the Black?" Now imagine that over 9 seasons and two feature films, all crammed into one two minute video. OMG!
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- Written by: Tiffany Devol | Content Director
- Category: Featured Videos
This week's featured video is brought to you by snakey973 and takes a profound look at the parallels between The X-Files' Dana Scully and Silence of the Lambs Clarice Starling.
Viewer discretion is advised.